A Journal Through My Activities, Thoughts, and Notes

枸杞柠檬水 唉😞兔子大概不会来这里了…没有兔子,再也没有人会很体贴地开一些很适合我的歌了…我没忍住加了他联系方式,又很尴尬不知道聊什么。点开qq空间一看,唉,算了,不过是又一个醉心于游戏的男人。
N 在网上冲浪的时候发现了一个大陆香港台湾近代政治历史的电子书宝库,基本都是google drive里的pdf, 可以直接下载。不仅有知名度较高的《墓碑》、《大逃港》、《改革历程》,还有冷门一些的《雪白、雪红》,《古拉格:劳改回忆录》(很久以前曾经在知乎上看到有人在成都拜访过写这本书的作者张先痴,虽然不像赵紫阳那样被严格软禁,但外出活动仍会被监视)。和政治不太相关的书也有,比如《台湾新文学史》、《台北老街》。网站链接是这个:<https://zhongzisc.blogspot.com/>不知道是谁负责维护这个网站,上传书目,但真是赛博活菩萨😭
#看了 纪录片《但是还有书籍》第二季第一集。很喜欢。如果你也喜欢书,我猜你也会喜欢。


摘自第二次世界大战 战场视角 第六集 柏林之战

熊猫姐 转@webto 李银河说:「对于一个人来说,高质量的生活就是挑选适合自己的生活方式。找到了最适合自己的生活方式,生命质量就高;没有找到最适合自己的生活方式,生命质量就低。」
#qq说说 #网友语录






贾行家 最近的字幕组好像没什么活人参与了,大多是用AI 直怼的,有一处民谣歌词把HOME翻成了“首页“,机器比人有乡愁。
## Lady in the woods

Flo and Joan

There was a little woman
And she had no house or home
So she found herself a forest
A new pasture for her to roam

She was a lady
A lady in the woods

God gave her the woods
But he took away her legs
Some people mistook her for a stump
But she was definitely a lady

A legless lady in the woods

When you're living in the woods
There's a lack of luxury
She didn't have scissors couldn't cut her hair
It grew so long it got tangled with the weeds on the trees

She was a longhaired, legless lady in the woods

She had nowhere to be
So she always took her time
She took so much time
If you were to describe her with a word
You might say she did lollygag

She was a lollygagging, longhaired, legless lady in the woods
A lollygagging, longhaired, legless, lady in the woods

God took so much from the lady
But in turn, gave her a tree
A lemon tree
And she sucked those lemons every day
Which made the rubberiness of her lips go away
Her lips were so loose but she loved those lemons

She was a lemon-loving, loose-lipped, lollygagging, longhaired, legless
Lady in the woods

And did we mention that her name was Linda?
Linda the lemon-loving, loose-lipped, lollygagging, longhaired, legless
Lady in the woods

An unhappy woman was she
She had no treats or toys
But if you told her a dick joke
It would bring her so much joy
So low brow
Low brow Linda

She had no other company
So she talked to the trees
She didn't choose words just a whooshing sounds
And the trees knew what she means
Yeah she could talk tree

She was Linda the bilingual, lowbrow, lemon-loving, loose-lipped, lollygagging, longhaired legless, lady in the woods

And she produced milk like you've never seen

She was Linda the lactating, bilingual, lowbrow, lemon-loving, loose-lipped, lollygagging, longhaired legless, lady in the woods

All those forest nights alone
Can wreak havoc on a woman's libido
So she found herself a lizard love
And that lit up Linda's heart
But that lizard found another lizard
And that lying little lizard left her

She was Linda the lusty, lizard-kissing, lonely, lactating, bilingual, lowbrow, lemon-loving, loose-lipped, lollygagging, longhaired legless, lady in the woods

There's more

A wizard of a woman was Linda
She was the master of the lute
And she did write songs
She loved writing songs
Lugubrious songs
She wrote this song

And she'd warble these songs into the wind
In the hopes that someday someone would find them
And luckily for Linda they fell in our ears
So we sing to you her lachrymatory lyrics
To continue her legacy
Her legacy, her legacy
She also loved liquorice

She was Linda the liquorice-eating, legendary, lyrical, lugubrious, lachrymatory, lusty, lizard-kissing, lonely, lactating, bilingual, lowbrow, lemon-loving, loose-lipped, lollygagging, longhaired legless, lady in the woods

Yeah Linda was a lot

我:explicit 的名词形式是什么?
AI: "Explicit" 的名词形式是 explicitness,表示“明确性”或“清晰度”。

- The explicitness of the instructions made the task easier.

我: Can I write "rename IsBarxWorkflow to IsBarxOrAutoBahn for better explicitness"?
AI: Your sentence is clear, but it can be slightly refined for better readability and flow. Here's a polished version:

"Rename IsBarxWorkflow to IsBarxOrAutoBahn for greater clarity and explicitness."

### Why:
1. "Better explicitness" is correct but slightly awkward; "greater clarity and explicitness" is more natural.
2. Adding backticks (`) around the code terms (IsBarxWorkflow, IsBarxOrAutoBahn) makes it clear you're referring to code names.

Alternatively, you could write:
"Rename IsBarxWorkflow to IsBarxOrAutoBahn to make its purpose more explicit."
This focuses on why you're renaming it.

我:我其实更喜欢 better explicitness 即使这对native speaker 显得不自然。对母语非英语的人这个更容易理解, 非常直白。我想对我们这些英语是第二语言的人来讲,说出这种技术上正确但不自然的句子怕是很难避免的。
AI:你说得很有道理!对于英语非母语者来说,"better explicitness" 简单直白,而且技术上完全正确,这种表达方式容易理解,也容易被记住。

在技术交流中,清晰和准确 往往比“听起来地道”更重要,尤其是在多语言环境下。因此,即使有些表达对母语者来说稍显不自然,但只要意思明确,就已经足够了。

### 你的句子:
"Rename IsBarxWorkflow to IsBarxOrAutoBahn for better explicitness."

"Better explicitness" 这种表达简单、直观且正确。技术交流中,直白胜过花哨,不必过于追求母语者的完美表达。你这样写,完全没问题!

我:还是要谢谢你教我native speaker觉得自然的方式,虽然我不一定能记住,我会尽量用地道的英文。
AI:不用谢!你的态度真的很棒,愿意不断学习和提高已经很了不起了。其实,清晰 和 准确 在技术沟通中永远是第一位的,地道表达只是锦上添花。慢慢积累,日常看到、用到自然的表达时,熟悉了就会记住。

#书摘 精英的高效工作法
輸出能讓自己被現實打臉,自己知道 “痛點” 才能知道要輸入什麼。

巴菲特 In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence and energy. But if they don't have the first, the other two will kill you.

#网友语录 王小红啊 人教人百言不会,事教人一次入心。

## Who's it? vs Who's there?

Q: Is there any differnce between who's it and who's there?
A: Yes, there’s a difference:

1. Who’s it?
- This is typically used in games like tag or hide-and-seek to ask who is "it" (the person tasked with finding or chasing others).
- Example: “Who’s it? It’s your turn!”

2. Who’s there?
- This is commonly used to ask who is at the door or making their presence known. It’s a way to identify someone who hasn’t been seen yet.
- Example: “Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?”

In short, "Who’s it?" refers to a role, while "Who’s there?" asks about someone’s identity or presence.
一个礼拜没摸车的Eric又练车了。从家开到 Adventure Park 再开回来,练了一个环岛右转弯,一个环岛掉头,一个环岛转一圈回到原点后左转。虽然一周没有摸车,但明显开得比一周前更熟练。
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