A Journal Through My Activities, Thoughts, and Notes

### Vibe Coding(氛围编码 / 感知编程)

"Vibe coding" 是一个新兴的互联网俚语,主要用于形容基于氛围(vibe)或直觉(intuition)来进行编程,而不是严格按照规范或最佳实践。


## 1. 主要含义
"Vibe coding" 主要用于程序员社区,指的是“凭感觉写代码”,而不是严格按照标准流程编程。


## 2. 例句
- I don’t really understand this framework, I’m just vibe coding at this point.

- My code works, but don’t ask me how—I was just vibe coding.

- When the deadline is tomorrow and you start vibe coding, hoping it all just works.

📌 这句话通常带有一定的幽默感,意味着程序员不太确定自己的代码是否符合最佳实践,但它“目前看起来没问题”。


## 3. 相关表达
| 短语 | 含义 | 区别 |
| Vibe coding | 凭感觉写代码,不严格遵守标准 | 可能有效,但缺乏最佳实践 |
| Cargo cult programming | 迷信特定编程模式,而不理解其原理 | 盲目模仿,而不是凭直觉 |
| Duct tape programming | 快速修补代码,使其“勉强可用” | 代码可能有效,但不优雅 |
| Code smell | 代码有潜在问题,但仍然运行 | 代码质量低,需要重构 |


## 4. 适用场景
📌 "Vibe coding" 主要用于程序员在以下情况时自嘲:
- 对某个技术不太熟悉,但还是写代码(“反正能跑就行”)。
- 临近截止日期,只能凭直觉写代码(“别问,能跑就行”)。
- 没有严格按照最佳实践,但代码暂时能用(“我也不知道为什么它有效”)。


## 5. 总结
"Vibe coding" = “凭感觉写代码”,不严格遵循规则,而是凭直觉完成任务。

📌 简单记忆: Vibe coding = Just going with the flow and hoping it works! 😆💻
#english #网摘 背句子总是比背单词更有效率──这是铁律。
### Troublemaker vs. Agitator(捣乱者 vs. 煽动者)

- Troublemaker(捣乱者):指喜欢制造麻烦、惹事生非的人,通常是出于个人目的或顽皮。
- Agitator(煽动者):指煽动群众、激起不满或推动变革的人,通常带有政治或社会运动的含义。


## 1. "Troublemaker"(捣乱者 / 惹麻烦的人)

🔹 例句:
- He was always a troublemaker in school, constantly disrupting class.

- The manager fired the troublemaker who kept causing conflicts in the office.

📌 常见搭配:
- Classroom troublemaker(课堂捣蛋鬼)
- Office troublemaker(职场刺头)
- Neighborhood troublemaker(社区里的麻烦人物)


## 2. "Agitator"(煽动者 / 煽动分子)

🔹 例句:
- The union agitator encouraged workers to go on strike for better wages.

- The government accused the protesters of being radical agitators.

📌 常见搭配:
- Political agitator(政治煽动者)
- Union agitator(工会煽动者)
- Radical agitator(激进煽动分子)


## 3. 主要区别
| 词汇 | 含义 | 动机 / 目的 | 常见语境 |
| Troublemaker | 捣乱者,爱惹事的人 | 个人行为,可能只是调皮捣蛋,不一定有政治目的 | 学校、办公室、日常生活 |
| Agitator | 煽动者,鼓动抗议的人 | 主要是政治或社会运动,鼓动人群反抗或行动 | 政治、工会、社会运动 |


## 4. 句子对比
The kid was a real troublemaker in class, always talking and throwing things.

The labor agitator organized a massive protest for workers' rights.


## 5. 总结
"Troublemaker" = 捣蛋鬼 / 惹是生非者,强调个人行为,不一定有政治意图。
"Agitator" = 煽动者,强调影响大众,通常与政治、社会变革有关。
- Troublemaker = 让小范围的人烦恼 😈(比如课堂、办公室)
- Agitator = 让大范围的人行动 🔥(比如抗议、罢工)

📌 简单记忆: A troublemaker annoys people, while an agitator moves people! 🚀
#english 阅读理解容易?眼睛看得多而已。 听读理解困难?耳朵听的少而已
### **coming vs. upcoming 的区别**



### **1️⃣ coming [ˈkʌmɪŋ] adj. —— 即将到来的(更口语化,泛指即将发生的事情)**
- **“coming” 一般用于短期内即将发生的事件或时间段,常见搭配有**:
- the **coming** days/weeks/months(即将到来的几天/几周/几个月)
- the **coming** year(来年)
- the **coming** weekend(即将到来的周末)

** 例句:**
- We will discuss this in the **coming** days.
- The **coming** winter is expected to be very cold.


### **2️⃣ upcoming [ˈʌpkʌmɪŋ] adj. —— 即将发生的(更正式,多用于特定的已安排的活动)**
- **“upcoming” 通常用于指已经安排好的事件或活动,常见搭配有**:
- **upcoming** event/concert/meeting/exam(即将到来的活动/演唱会/会议/考试)
- **upcoming** movie/book(即将上映的电影/即将出版的书)

** 例句:**
- The company is preparing for the **upcoming** conference.
- Are you excited about the **upcoming** concert?


### **总结对比**
| **单词** | **含义** | **适用场景** | **例子** |
| **coming** | 即将到来的(泛指未来的某个时间段) | 未来的日子、季节、年份等 | the coming days/months/year |
| **upcoming** | 即将到来的(通常指已安排的活动) | 会议、演出、电影、考试等 | the upcoming event/concert |

- **coming** 强调“即将到来的时间”,适用于更广泛的情况。
- **upcoming** 更正式,通常指“即将发生的特定事件或活动”。

** 误用示例:**
🚫 **The upcoming winter is expected to be very cold.** (冬天是时间概念,不是特定事件,应该用 *coming*)
**The coming winter is expected to be very cold.**

🚫 **Are you excited about the coming concert?** (演唱会是特定活动,应该用 *upcoming*)
**Are you excited about the upcoming concert?**
#English The Nile is a river in Egypt !!! 这句话有啥言外之意吗?


1. 暗示显而易见的事实
• 可能是讽刺某人说了一个众所周知、不值一提的事实,类似于“太阳从东边升起!”
2. 借指“否认”(与 “denial” 谐音)
• “The Nile” 和 “denial” 发音相近,有时会用于双关。例如:
• A: You still love her, don’t you?
• B: No, I don’t!
• A: The Nile is a river in Egypt… (暗示 B 其实是在自欺欺人,即 “denial”)


而在英语里,"training" 更偏向于描述一个主动参与学习或接受训练的过程,不一定强调由谁来培训。例如句子中的 "Lin is training to be a tour guide",重点在于 Lin 正在努力学习成为导游,而不是具体说明谁在培训她。这种表达方式在英语中非常自然。

- “她正在学习成为一名导游。”
- 或者:“她正在接受导游培训。”


"hit it off"是一个英语习语,意思是两个人在初次见面时就很投缘,迅速建立良好的关系。例如:

- "I met Sarah yesterday, and we really hit it off!"(我昨天遇到了Sarah,我们相处得非常好!)

#English come back home 与 go back home

在不同的场景下,选择 come back home 或 go back home 是根据说话者和听者的位置关系来决定的。以下是详细解释:


### 1. 在家问别人是否回家
- 你在家里,问对方是否会回到你所在的地方(家)。
- 因为你希望对方“来到”你的位置,所以用 come back home。
- 例句:
- “Will you come back home tonight?”(你今晚会回家吗?)
- “When will you come back home?”(你什么时候回家?)


### 2. 在外面告诉家里人自己是否回家
- 你不在家,而家里人希望知道你是否会“回到”家。
- 因为你从外面“去”到某个地方(家),所以用 go back home。
- 例句:
- “I’ll go back home after dinner.”(我晚饭后会回家。)
- “I’m not sure if I can go back home tonight.”(我不确定今晚能不能回家。)


### 总结
- come back home:用于对方要“来到”说话者或听者所在的地方(通常是家)。
- go back home:用于说话者从外面“去”回家的场景。
### champagne problem ˈʃæm.peɪn ˈprɑː.bləm

“Champagne problem” 指的是看似是问题,但实际上是因为条件太好才带来的烦恼。它通常用于讽刺或调侃那些相较于真正的困难来说微不足道的烦恼,比如:要选哪所名校、豪华度假村的房间太小、工作机会太多不好选等。



### 例句:
1. She couldn’t decide which designer dress to wear to the gala—such a champagne problem!

2. Having too many job offers is a champagne problem most people wish they had.

3. He complained that his five-star hotel room didn’t have an ocean view—talk about a champagne problem!


### 相关词汇:
- first-world problem(第一世界问题):和“champagne problem”类似,指相对富裕国家的人才会遇到的“小问题”。
- humblebrag(谦虚的炫耀):指某人看似在抱怨,实则是在炫耀。


### 总结:
champagne problem 指的是因为条件太好才会遇到的烦恼,通常带有调侃或讽刺的意味。如果有人说自己因为奖学金太多,不知道选哪所大学,你就可以说:“That’s a real champagne problem!”

Meaning of open a can of worms in English

to create a situation that causes a lot of problems when it starts to be dealt with: She is afraid that she will open a can of worms if she speaks out about the problem.

Q:从语法的角度看,能用Thanks的地方都可以用Thank you,对吗?

Claude-3.5-sonnet: 不完全正确。虽然很多情况下可以互换,但有一些语法规则不同:

1. 作为名词时:

- "Thanks" 可以直接使用:Thanks are due to him (应该感谢他)
- "Thank you" 需要加冠词:A thank you is appropriate here (在这里应该说thank you)

1. 作为动词短语:

- "Thanks" 不能接for: Thanks for your help(这是口语习惯但语法上不正确)
- "Thank you for your help"才是语法正确的形式

1. 句首使用:

- "Thanks to the rain..."(由于雨...)是正确的
- "Thank you to the rain..."不能这样用


Q: Sometimes we can omit the common auxiliary verb after and, sometimes we cannot, right?

A: Yes, it depends on whether the omitted part is still clearly understood and grammatically correct.

In your sentence:
"Changes have been made and reviewed."
This works because "reviewed" logically shares the same "have been" from "have been made."

But in:
"Changes have been made and are reviewed."
You cannot omit "are" because "reviewed" would then lack a clear verb.

A simple test: If both verbs logically share the same auxiliary verb, you can often omit the second instance. Otherwise, you need to keep it.
你的问题: I have the chills 是什么意思?

我的回答: “I have the chills” 的意思是“我感到发冷”或“我打寒战”。这种感觉通常是因为发烧、感冒、流感或其他疾病引起的,也可能是由于紧张、恐惧或情绪波动导致的。例如:

- 例句1: I have the chills and a fever.
翻译: 我感到发冷,还发烧了。

- 例句2: After being out in the rain, I have the chills.
翻译: 淋雨后,我感到浑身发冷。

“Chills” 是一种身体反应,通常伴随着寒战或颤抖,可能是身体在对抗感染或其他健康问题的信号。

"As far as" 在表达 “就……而言” 时,通常用来限定讨论的范围或表明某人的观点、知识或责任。


### 1. 表示“就……而言”
- 例句:
- As far as I'm concerned, we should cancel the project.
- As far as the budget is concerned, we need to cut costs.
- As far as quality goes, this product is the best on the market.


### 2. 表示“据我所知”
- 例句:
- As far as I know, the meeting has been postponed.
- As far as I can tell, everything is going according to plan.
- As far as I remember, he never mentioned anything about it.


### 3. 表示“在……范围内”
- 例句:
- We'll help you as far as possible.
- As far as the eye can see, there are fields of flowers.
- He walked as far as the river and then turned back.


### 4. 表示“到……程度”
- 例句:
- As far as I can see, there's no reason to worry.
- As far as I understand, the plan is still under discussion.


### 小提示:
- "As far as" 通常用于正式或书面语中,口语中也可以用 "From what I know" 来替代。

"As long as" 是一个常用的英语短语,主要有两种用法:


### 1. 表示条件,意思是“只要”
- 用来引导一个条件,表示只要某个条件满足,某事就会成立。
- 例句:
- You can borrow my car as long as you drive carefully.
- I'll help you as long as you promise to try your best.


### 2. 表示时间,意思是“长达……”
- 用来强调某件事情持续的时间很长。
- 例句:
- We waited as long as three hours for the bus.
- He has been working here as long as 10 years.


### 注意:
- "As long as" 和 "As far as" 的区别:
- "As long as" 强调条件或时间。
- "As far as" 强调范围或限度,通常翻译为“据我所知”或“就……而言”。
- 例句:As far as I know, the meeting is still on.(据我所知,会议仍在进行。)

The phrase "let you off the hook" is an idiomatic expression in English. It means to release someone from a responsibility, obligation, or difficult situation, often when they were expected to face consequences or be held accountable for something.

### Examples of Usage:
1. Responsibility:
- "I was supposed to clean the house today, but my mom let me off the hook because I had to study for exams."
- Here, it means the person was excused from their responsibility.

2. Avoiding Consequences:
- "He was caught speeding, but the officer let him off the hook with just a warning."
- This means the person avoided a penalty or punishment.

3. Social Situation:
- "I thought I’d have to attend the meeting, but my boss let me off the hook."
- This means the person was excused from attending.

### Origin:
The phrase comes from fishing. When a fish is "on the hook," it is caught and cannot escape. To "let it off the hook" means to release it, allowing it to escape. Metaphorically, this idea is applied to people being freed from obligations or consequences.

### Similar Expressions:
- "Off the hook": Can also mean something is exciting or excellent (slang usage).
- "Let someone off the hook": Focuses on releasing someone from responsibility or trouble.
在英文中,"den" 有几种常见的含义,具体意思取决于上下文:

1. 兽穴、窝
- 指野生动物(如狮子、熊、狐狸等)的栖息地或巢穴。
- 例句:The lion returned to its den after hunting.(狮子捕猎后回到了它的洞穴。)

2. 私密房间或空间
- 指家中一个舒适、私密的小房间,通常用于放松、阅读或工作。
- 例句:He spent the evening reading in his den.(他在自己的小房间里读书度过晚上。)

3. 秘密聚集地
- 可以指某些人(尤其是从事非法活动的人)的聚集地。
- 例句:The police raided the drug den.(警察突袭了毒贩的窝点。)

4. 儿童的游戏室
- 在某些情况下,也可以指孩子们玩耍的房间。
- 例句:The kids are playing in the den.(孩子们在游戏室里玩耍。)


## agree (on/to) something VS agreed (on/to) something

### 1. "We agree something"
- Tense: Present tense.
- Meaning: Refers to an action that is happening now or is generally true. It indicates that you and someone else are currently reaching an agreement or agree on something habitually.

#### Examples:
- We agree on the plan to move forward.
(We are currently in agreement about the plan.)
- Whenever we discuss important matters, we agree the terms quickly.
(This is a habitual action; it happens every time.)


### 2. "We agreed something"
- Tense: Past tense.
- Meaning: Refers to an action that has already happened. It indicates that you and someone else reached an agreement in the past.

#### Examples:
- We agreed on the budget during yesterday’s meeting.
(The agreement about the budget happened in the past.)
- We agreed the new rules before implementing them.
(The agreement was reached before the rules were implemented.)


### 3. Note on Usage
- While "agree something" is correct in certain contexts, it is more common to say "agree on something" or "agree to something" in everyday English for clarity.
- Examples:
- We agree on the strategy.
- We agreed to their terms.

- Omitting the preposition (e.g., "We agree something") often sounds more formal or business-like.


### 4. Summary
- "We agree something": Present tense; describes an ongoing or habitual action.
- "We agreed something": Past tense; describes an action completed in the past.

Always consider the timeframe of your statement when choosing between the two.

## As much as I dislike something 中的 as much as 是什么意思?

在句子 "As much as I dislike something" 中,"as much as" 的意思是尽管或虽然,表示一种让步关系,类似于 "although" 或 "even though"。


### 1. 用法解释
- "As much as" 在这种语境中用来引导让步从句,强调尽管某人对某事有某种强烈的情感(如不喜欢、讨厌等),但接下来的内容可能会与这个情感相矛盾。
- 它表达的是一种对立关系:承认某个事实的同时,又引出另一种观点。


### 2. 例句

#### a) 承认并让步
- As much as I dislike broccoli, I know it’s good for my health.
- As much as he hates early mornings, he still wakes up at 6 a.m. for work.

#### b) 表达对立观点
- As much as I respect his ideas, I cannot agree with him on this issue.
- As much as I enjoy traveling, I sometimes miss the comfort of home.


### 3. 其他含义的 "as much as"
除了表示让步关系,"as much as" 还有其他含义:

#### a) 表示程度上的“和…一样多”
- I love chocolate as much as I love ice cream.

#### b) 表示数量上的“几乎”
- It costs as much as $1,000 to repair the car.


### 4. 总结
在 "As much as I dislike something" 中,"as much as" 的意思是“尽管”或“虽然”,用于表达让步的语气,承认某个事实的同时,为接下来的对立观点铺垫。
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