A Journal Through My Activities, Thoughts, and Notes
driven attitude 就是“进取心”.
Your hard work and driven attitude make a difference. #english


#网友语录 韩执说:

-- Hacker News 读者
-- 《成为专业程序员10周年的感悟》
-- Hacker News 读者
常有母亲对即将离巢的儿女说:“妈妈相信你。”但这不是理解。因为前面还有半句话 ——“ 虽然我搞不懂”。“虽然我搞不懂,但妈妈相信你,因为那是你想做的事。”这不是理解,而是相信。这种相信的基础是爱。这种耿直的爱正是父母能够给予孩子的最大的礼物。」
上野千鹤子《始于极限 》

脱北者 李日奎 来源 BBC专访朝鲜“脱北”外交官李日奎: 金正恩希望特朗普当选美国总统

builder.Logging.ClearProviders(); 这一行代码的主要作用是清除当前日志记录构建器中所有已注册的日志提供程序。这通常用于在创建新的日志记录配置时,确保不使用默认的日志提供程序。

## 用途




1 https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/core/extensions/logging-providers
2 https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/aspnet/core/fundamentals/logging/?view=aspnetcore-8.0

'It is easier to port a shell than a shell script.' -- Larry Wall
#Dot is impressive! 我仿佛又交到了一个新朋友。不知不觉间和它聊了40分钟,要不是天色已晚,我们还会聊更久。
#flutter #markdown
行内代码inline code不能选中复制的问题终于解决了,要怪自己当初抄作业的时候没有抄全。几个要点:
1. 行内code也要包在一个Container
2. 行内code的样式不能有backgroundColor
3. 行内code的样式不可以直接用 style: preferredStyle

鸣谢Master Markdown and Multi-line Selection in Flutter: A Step-by-Step Tutorial Flutter markdown: Using Markdown with Cross-Line Selection in Flutter
#jenkins How to write comments in a Jenkins pipeline

for block comments

// for single line comment

sh '''
npm tst
# this is a comment in sh
#oracle: how to find a table's name if you only know part of its name?

SELECT owner, table_name 
FROM all_tables
WHERE table_name LIKE '%KYC%';
The following c# code splits the clientIds into smaller lists, each containing up to 100 elements.

var listOfClientIdLists = clientIds
.Select((v, i) => new { Value = v, Index = i })
.GroupBy(g => g.Index / 100, gi => gi.Value)
.Select(chunk => chunk.ToList())

### Explanation

1. Select((v, i) => new { Value = v, Index = i }):

- This uses the Select method with an overload that provides both the element (v) and its index (i).
- It transforms the clientIds collection into a new collection of anonymous objects, each containing:
- Value: the original element (v).
- Index: the position of the element in the original list (i).

2. GroupBy(g => g.Index / 100, gi => gi.Value):

- The GroupBy method organizes the elements into groups.
- g => g.Index / 100: This lambda expression determines the group key by dividing the index by 100. This effectively groups the elements into chunks of 100.
- gi => gi.Value: This specifies that only the Value part of the anonymous object should be included in the groups.

3. Select(chunk => chunk.ToList()):

- This converts each group (or chunk) into a list.

4. ToList():

- This final ToList converts the collection of lists into a list of lists.

### Alternative
Claude.AI suggests a better way to achieve the same goal, which has better simplicity and readability.
var listOfClientIdLists = clientIds
.Select(chunk => chunk.ToList())

#csharp #tips
30 歲仍未長大的人大有人在,可見成為一個獨立的人有多難,教育的重要性有多高。
如果只有 AppBar 需要根据状态变化更新,那么你可以只在 AppBar 上使用 Consumer。这样做的好处是,仅当状态变化时,AppBar 会重新构建,而不会影响其他部分的 UI,从而提升性能。
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