A Journal Through My Activities, Thoughts, and Notes
#linq #csharp


var maxValue = aList.Select(a => a.aIntField).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Max();

### 解释:
- Select(a => a.aIntField): 选择每个对象的 aIntField 字段。
- DefaultIfEmpty(0): 如果 aList 为空,返回一个包含 0 的集合。
- Max(): 计算最大值。

这样,如果 aList 为空,maxValue 将会是 0,避免了抛出异常的风险。
#csharp You can annotate a property directly as non-nullable to avoid this annoying suggestion: "Non-nullable property must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable"

public string Property{ get; set; } = null!;

If you specify null!; you are saying to the compiler "assign this null, but trust me, it's not null". See
// Try cracking the message using the original Crack method
Crack(message, sessionID);
// to avoid "Unsupported Message Type" error
catch (UnsupportedMessageType) when (message.Header.GetString(Tags.MsgType) == "AD")
Logger.Info("Received TradeCaptureReportRequest.");
#csharp Yes, you can update the contents of list A to match list B without changing the reference of A. You can do this by clearing A and adding all elements of B into A. Here's how you can do it:

// Assuming A and B are lists of the same type
A.Clear(); // Clear all elements from A
A.AddRange(B); // Add all elements from B to A

This approach keeps the reference of A unchanged, but the content of A will be replaced by the content of B.
#csharp #caller #tips

public void DoProcessing()
TraceMessage("Something happened.");

public void TraceMessage(string message,
[CallerMemberName] string memberName = "",
[CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = "",
[CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0)
Trace.WriteLine("message: " + message);
Trace.WriteLine("member name: " + memberName);
Trace.WriteLine("source file path: " + sourceFilePath);
Trace.WriteLine("source line number: " + sourceLineNumber);

// Sample Output:
// message: Something happened.
// member name: DoProcessing
// source file path: c:\Visual Studio Projects\CallerInfoCS\CallerInfoCS\Form1.cs
// source line number: 31

That's quite handy, isn't it? Reference
#csharp #moq
in C# and Moq, how to mock
Func<BrokerContractTypeEnum, IFixMessageStrategy> strategyFactory?

var mockStrategy = new Mock<IFixMessageStrategy>();

// Set up the mock to return the mockStrategy instance
Func<BrokerContractTypeEnum, IFixMessageStrategy> strategyFactory =
new Mock<Func<BrokerContractTypeEnum, IFixMessageStrategy>>()
.Setup(f => f(It.IsAny<BrokerContractTypeEnum>()))

builder.Logging.ClearProviders(); 这一行代码的主要作用是清除当前日志记录构建器中所有已注册的日志提供程序。这通常用于在创建新的日志记录配置时,确保不使用默认的日志提供程序。

## 用途




1 https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/core/extensions/logging-providers
2 https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/aspnet/core/fundamentals/logging/?view=aspnetcore-8.0
The following c# code splits the clientIds into smaller lists, each containing up to 100 elements.

var listOfClientIdLists = clientIds
.Select((v, i) => new { Value = v, Index = i })
.GroupBy(g => g.Index / 100, gi => gi.Value)
.Select(chunk => chunk.ToList())

### Explanation

1. Select((v, i) => new { Value = v, Index = i }):

- This uses the Select method with an overload that provides both the element (v) and its index (i).
- It transforms the clientIds collection into a new collection of anonymous objects, each containing:
- Value: the original element (v).
- Index: the position of the element in the original list (i).

2. GroupBy(g => g.Index / 100, gi => gi.Value):

- The GroupBy method organizes the elements into groups.
- g => g.Index / 100: This lambda expression determines the group key by dividing the index by 100. This effectively groups the elements into chunks of 100.
- gi => gi.Value: This specifies that only the Value part of the anonymous object should be included in the groups.

3. Select(chunk => chunk.ToList()):

- This converts each group (or chunk) into a list.

4. ToList():

- This final ToList converts the collection of lists into a list of lists.

### Alternative
Claude.AI suggests a better way to achieve the same goal, which has better simplicity and readability.
var listOfClientIdLists = clientIds
.Select(chunk => chunk.ToList())

#csharp #tips
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