A Journal Through My Activities, Thoughts, and Notes


家里两台 #Mac 经常要互传文件,隔空投送和系统自带的网络功能经常会找不到对方,最近发现 LocalSend 真不错,基本上完美地解决了我局域网内互传文件的需求,而且还是免费的: localsend.org 👍


The text in @413 (How to stay calm) is from a picture I stole on the internet, it is surprisingly popular. More than a hundred people retweeted it on mastodon. I learnt a lot of people want to be clam in this busy world.
#How To Stay Calm (without any hacks)

Overthinking → Write
Uninspired → Read
Scared → Take a risk
Stuck → Walk
Tired → Sleep
Confused → Ask
Frustrated → Move
Burned out → Take a day off
Impatient → Review progress
Unmotivated → Remember your "why"
In #WinForms (and more generally in many Windows applications), the & character has a special meaning when used in a button's text. It is used to define an access key or mnemonic for the button. When you use & in the text of a button, it allows you to specify a keyboard shortcut that activates the button when the user presses the Alt key along with the corresponding letter.Here's how it works:Single Ampersand &): It creates a mnemonic. For example, if you set a button's text to "Save &File", the F in "File" will be underlined, and the user can press Alt + F to activate the button.Double Ampersand (&&): It is used to display a single & character in the text. This is useful if you want to include an actual & character in the button text but don’t want it to be treated as a mnemonic. For example, if you set the text to "Save && Exit", the button text will display as "Save & Exit", with only the & in "Exit" being treated as a mnemonic.
我怀疑,有没有可能,虽然柏林墙是 1989 年倒塌的,但是 1961 年,东德为了防止东德人逃到西德而修建柏林墙,胜负就已经清楚了?
#idea #comment
其实我已经变相实现了评论功能。只要@407 (打算评论的笔记编号),这篇笔记就会出现在那条笔记的下方(Linked Notes)

#书摘 #费曼语录

#grep #tips

## Basic Regular Expressions (BRE)

Basic Regular Expressions are the default regular expression syntax used by grep when no special options are provided. BRE uses a more limited set of metacharacters compared to Extended Regular Expressions (ERE).

Some key points about BRE:

- Metacharacters like +, ?, |, (, ) are treated as literal characters and need to be escaped with a backslash (\) to use their special meaning.

- The $$ and $$ constructs are used for grouping in BRE, instead of just ( and ) as in ERE.

- Alternation is done using \| instead of just |.

- Repetition operators like * and \{n,m\} are used to match zero or more and ranges of repetitions respectively.

For example, to match lines containing either "cat" or "dog" using BRE:

grep 'cat\|dog' filename

And to match lines with 3 to 6 digits:

grep '\([0-9]\{3,6\}\)' filename

The backslashes are necessary to use the grouping and repetition metacharacters in BRE syntax.

So in summary, BRE provides a more limited set of regex features compared to ERE, but is still very powerful for common text matching tasks. The main difference is the need to escape certain metacharacters in BRE.

One thing I would to mention here is that most metacharacters in Basic Regular Expressions (BRE) need to be escaped, but the * character does not. This might seem inconsistent, but it's due to historical reasons and the way BRE was designed.

### Historical Context

In the early days of Unix, the grep command was developed, and it used BRE as its default syntax. At that time, the * character was already a special character in many programming languages and shell scripts, often used for wildcard matching. To avoid conflicts and make BRE more intuitive for users familiar with shell globbing, the designers of grep decided to treat the * character as a special character without needing an escape.

### Why Not Escape *?

Escaping every special character would make BRE more verbose and less readable, especially for simple patterns. By treating * as a special character without an escape, it simplifies common tasks like matching any number of characters (including zero) before or after another character.

### Example

For instance, to match any number of characters before or after a specific string, you can use:

grep 'pattern*' filename

This will match any line containing "pattern" followed by zero or more characters.

### Summary

While most metacharacters in BRE require escaping, the * character is an exception due to its historical significance and the desire to keep BRE syntax simple and intuitive. This makes it easier for users to learn and use basic regular expressions without needing to worry about escaping every special character.
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