A Journal Through My Activities, Thoughts, and Notes
我在我的 PopOS 22.04上实际测试了一下,目录
我在我的 PopOS 22.04上实际测试了一下,目录
要改成 /lib
, ld-linux-
后面的部分也因系统而异,但这个解决方案确实有效。事实上,你一辈子也可能赶不上一回干这种蠢事,但知道遇到这种情况下仍然有简单的解还是很开心。sudo chmod 000 /usr/bin/chmod
sudo /usr/bin/chmod 755 /usr/bin/chmod
sudo: /usr/bin/chmod: command not found
sudo /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /usr/bin/chmod 755 /usr/bin/chmod
ls -l /usr/bin/chmod
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 55816 Feb 8 03:46 /usr/bin/chmod
'Gow (Gnu On Windows) is the lightweight alternative to Cygwin,' <https://github.com/bmatzelle/gow>
and, <https://uutils.github.io> is another choice, which keeps all common utils that are rewritten in rust.
'Gow (Gnu On Windows) is the lightweight alternative to Cygwin,' <https://github.com/bmatzelle/gow>
and, <https://uutils.github.io> is another choice, which keeps all common utils that are rewritten in rust.